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螢幕快照 2020-06-01 17.12.31.png
螢幕快照 2020-06-01 17.16.15.png

The Body Shop 

 | The LIfe- Cycle of Place


The Life-Cycle of Place

‘We create situations that resonate and shape contemporary culture, exploring how closed-loop systems can enable temporary environments which exploit the creative freedoms of the short-lived’

Design Concept

I would like to design a pavilion that visitors can be shopping without any pressure, and they can test all the products freely. Shopping while enjoying the tranquillity brought by the environment. Moreover, there are workshops for the family to learn and play, and some leisure place for visitors to get rest there.

It has four parts which are Experience Area, Display Area, Workshop & Cashier and Refill Station.

Experience Area /

This part is for people to enjoy the products which need to use the sink, such as body scrubs and hand wash.

Display Area /

It is a area for people to test the sample products freely, like body yogurts and body butters.

Refill Station /

This area for visitor who having camping in the festival that they can buy the body wash and hair care here directly and do the refill.

Workshop & Cashier /

It is a place for visitors to enjoy learning handmade body butter time. This workshop is very suitable for the family and couple to do it.


Conceptual Model

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